
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Curriculum Newsletters

Welcome Year 5,  


The adults that work in this class are Miss Clark, Miss Wingrove and Miss Buckle.


Your new learning experience is Out and About


Please see our curriculum newsletter at the top of page for more information


After Easter our PE days will be on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.  Please ensure that the children come to school in the correct kit on these days and that long hair is tied back. We do not allow the children to wear earrings for PE, so please can they be removed on these days or taped over. 


Maths homework out on a Friday and due in the following Thursday ready to be marked. Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested on the following Friday. Your child should be able to complete this work independently, as it will be based on work they have already done in class. Please do not hesitate to email us if you have any concerns before the due date. Reading Tasks need to be completed weekly too on the page provided in Reading Records. 


It is also beneficial if all children regularly practise their times tables facts, so that they will improve their speed of recall. Times Table Rockstars is a great resource to support this and it can be accessed on laptops and tablets at home. Times table recall remains a focus this year and children will be tested weekly through ‘Times Table Olympics’ to ensure that recall is quick and accurate. Time spent on Numbots will also improve children's number bond knowledge. Times Table Rockstars and Numbots log in details are in the front of children's Reading Records. 


We are also encouraging all children to read at home; this needs to be recorded into the children's reading records. It is very important for the children to read regularly and enjoy a wide selection of books. They need to read 5 times a week at home and this needs to be signed in the Reading Record. 

We will be adding photos, news and pieces of work regularly to this page, so make sure you come back soon.


Please feel free to email with any questions you may have.

Thank you for visiting.

Miss Clark

Learning Experience

The learning experience Out and About will turn the Year 5 classrooms into newsrooms, where multi-media messages will deliver details of a breaking news story, as the remains of ‘Bog-Body’ (a pre- historic hunter) are discovered in a building site on the Somerset Levels. Throughout the Learning Experience, the children will be creating a news blog about the Bog Body discovery and exploring mystery through narrative writing.



In this experience, the children will learn about the Somerset Levels and how to read a range of maps. They will draw maps at different scales before comparing two known localities. Having learnt about the properties of peat, they will understand how evidence from prehistoric times has been preserved and how it is used to inform us about the ancient past. They will write an informative news report and a TV or radio news script. In order to develop their drawing skills, the children will use photographs and field sketches to create watercolour views of the Levels.


Start Date: 16/04/24


End Date: 24/05/24


The children will have an all-day journalistic experience. They will be given frequent updates on the whereabouts and details of the ‘Bog-Body’ and surprised with the discovery of the remains being re-directed to Wincanton Primary School. The children will become active investigators studying the features of the ‘Bog-Body’ with supplied forensic equipment.

Hook day: Monday 22nd April 2024


Outcome: The children will create and publish a front-page newspaper report on the discovery of a pre-historic ‘Bog-Body’. We will share their published reports on the class pages.


Take Home Task:

  • Use an image to create a 3D topographical model of a landscape.
  • Create a map, which shows your local area.
  • Complete some research on an area of the UK.
  • Create a fact file about Oscar-Claude Monet.
  • Create a PowerPoint on the stages of human growth.
  • Research a historical figure that has changed our understanding of the past.

Hand in date: Friday 17th May 2024


How you can support your child at home:

  • Take the opportunity to explore and discuss different types of maps.
  • Encourage children to learn times table facts up to 12 x 12 – improve speed and accuracy.
  • Ensure that your child reads at least 5 times a week and has the opportunity to discuss their reading with you, as well as completing their reading task. Please could you ensure this is recorded in their reading record.
  • Help them to learn their weekly spellings and ensure they understand their meaning.
  • Encourage children to complete their maths homework with as much independence as possible.

Out and About Hook Day - Bog Body

Pulleys, gears and levers

Harry Potter Studios Trip

Still image for this video

Harry Potter Studios Trip

Still image for this video

History Museum Outcome

Ice Cream Teams

Making Ice Cream

Oxidation Investigation

Horse Visit

